Sunday, March 2, 2008

Housewarming Party

Shannon and I woke up this morning still in our party clothes, and reeling from last night. Thank you to everyone who managed to make it out, even for a short time.

We just want to say...CONGRATULATIONS!!! We managed to all be a part of an adult house party!! No keystone, or pong balls in sight, no random spills on our carpet (none...not a one) and there was no barf in the bathtub. The cops didn't show up, and the neighbors didn't complain. Wow...I'm proud of us guys.

No major dramas occurred. Both Shannon and I had had stressful weeks and drank our fair share, we also both wore dresses with white and look mom, no stains!

Thank you for everyone who brought us lovely gifts, ate all the food, said nice things about our apartment, and who supported our talented friends who performed their comedy and music for us. Special thanks to Jason, Landen, Angel, Denmark, Amanda, Mark and Jeff!!!!!! Ya'll all rocked it out!

Don't forget to add the little punk girl in the white dress as your friend on Facebook (Shannon Douglas, my roommate). She had a great time meeting and hanging out with all of you.

Special times everyone...special times. Check out the photos under Shannon's can tell we had a great time. C'mon!

Rock ON and Rock OUT!
-Maggie & Shannon

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